Thursday 26 July 2007


Dear Readers,

Do you practise the art of patience? More importantly - do you believe in the necessity of patience? "Good things come to those who wait" the commercials on our tellys have us believe!

Patience is the mark of people who have the ability to maintain a steady perspective on life. They are never over excited or over stressed whatever hand life deals them. Wouldnt that be a nice way to be? Its no fun agonising over mis-haps or getting angry and frustrated. Far more sensible to smile, put whatever it is in perspective and move on.

Theres a difference between exercising patience and the attitude of laziness and a care-free attitude. Effort is everything. But once maximum effort has been put in, the results must be accepted with patience and understanding even if not desirable.

It can't happen overnight - but practise makes perfect..... and perfecting the art of patience could lead to a fuller happier life with less unecessary lows created by lack of maintaining perspective.

Have a good evening folks. Chins up - its Friday tomorrow - that magical day!

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