Saturday 7 July 2007

Dear Readers,

First of all, I would just like to tell you all and remind myself how happy I am that I can go to sleep tonight again in the safe knowledge that I dont have to go to work tomorrow! Its probably the most brilliant feeling in the world after winning the national lottery (I guess - I have never won - but then I have never played!) Lets just say - its pretty amazing and the only shame is that the feeling doesnt come often enough and doesnt last long enough - but then arguably thats what makes it so special in the first place.

My bit of advice to my readers for this saturday is to do with social skills. We live in a world where it is essential that people like us and think good of us. People who say 'who cares what the world thinks of you?' are wrong because the 'world' will only think of you what you put out for them to see - thus if the whole world is telling you that you are fat - where theres smoke there is fire - and you know how I feel about cliches!

Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but generally speaking, it is most advisable to be seen as an agreeable person in life because it will prove to your benefit. If you look at the most successful businessmen and famous people, they were all likeable people - loveable people - who always smile - dont participate in gossiping and rumour mongering etc.

If you want the world to like you, treat the people of the world the way you would like to be treated and you can be successful beyond your wildest dreams. Ignore this fact and choose to fight against the world - and the world can be a very lonely and scary place. The decision is ultimately yours dear readers. Social skills are not hard to learn - they consist of common sense and the willingness to improve and be the best you can - these two ingredients will stand in you all in fantastic stead to meet the perfect state you are capable of. Question is - do you want it?

Want what? A fuller happier life created by living by the principles of good social etiquette! Generally speaking - everyone wants it - in which case - ask yourself the question more often and start acting on what you tell yourself you want and you will actually start getting it!!!

Have a good sunday dear readers - hopefully will find some time, energy and material to say more tomorrow. Right now I am beat so am going to turn in.

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