Sunday 22 July 2007


Dear Readers,

Are you afraid of change? Ever stopped to wonder how long its been since you started your job? Or how long its been since you moved house?

The only thing thats inevitable in this world is change. Nothing stays the same. Neighbours is moving to channel 5 next year for crying out loud - you see my point? Most of you probably dont to be fair - but think about it - we are in the digital age! Remember about 10 years ago when having a camcorder was so amazing - yet you find me a person who still owns one of those humungous pieces of equipment. Its one of the growing examples in life where size does matter - but in reverse order - ie the smaller the better!

I am not telling everyone that they must change everything or do it all at once - I am just saying - think about your own attitudes towards change. In fact - I am writing it more for my benefit than anyone elses! I am someone who is pretty much stuck in my ways - I am way too lazy to be bothered about buying phones that got the best megapixel cameras and radios and mp3 players - so so old fashioned me. If i want a camera or an mp3 player - i go out and buy one - if i want a phone - it means I want to call people and want people to be able to call me!

But truly - its not the right attitude because the technological world is rapidly evolving and if people like me arent careful we will become extinct. I can just imagine all my technology savvy friends and family telling me how they are all gonna buy the latest phone which will beam them up to the moon to live there(!) I exagerate a little sometimes - but its not cool being left behind.

But even more importantly than technology is life itself - fear of change causes complacency. Time to start asking if being complacent is a satisfactory way to spend your life? Dont get me wrong - some people are happy working the same job title with mild pay increases their whole life because they dont want the hassle - and its not my place to judge them - whatever makes them happy - but the question is - do these people make a concious choice to actually do that or is it their fear of change that they never even tried to overcome that made this life pass them by?

Back to work tomorrow so I better hit the sack so I am all refreshed for work tomorrow. Oh who am I kidding? You can be in a coma for a decade wake up and you feel knackered as soon as you realise those 6 awful words. "I" "got" "to" "go "to" "work".

Sweet dreams folks - and remember - if you want answers about anything - start asking the right questions and to the right people - starting with:

'Am I afraid of change?'

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