Saturday 14 July 2007

Work Hard or Work Smart?


Ever stoppped to think if you work too hard and perhaps if you could accomplish the same success in less time?

In everything you do, you can either do it efficiently and fantastically well or take forever and still not do it to the same standard as someone else who could have taken half the time to do it.

Time to start working smarter guys - people who work too hard suffer from fatigue, lack of appreciation and soon become demotivated due to burn-out.

Simple way to avoid this happening is to make sure that when you are working - you are 100% switched on in what you are doing and are making a massive effort to enjoy what you are doing to avoid the pangs of daydreaming and doing things wrong due to a lack of concentration!

Doing this will allow you to enjoy your breaks more because you know it is well earnt considering the time spent working is so intense that the longer break is more than the due reward.

So, lets all enjoy our weekends in the safe knowledge we arent going to work too hard on Monday, but that we will rather work more effectively for the time we put in!

As for those of us that gotta work over the weekend, I bet you got a day or two of in the week so dont fret - your time will come.

Ciao folks.

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