Saturday 30 June 2007

A Tribute to Allen Carr

Dear Readers,

We are approximately 11 and a half hours away from moving into the 'smoke free' era in the UK and I am sure there are a lot of anxious smokers out there who are not best pleased about the situation to put it mildly!

Little over two months ago, I too was one of the smokers frustrated and depressed by the thought of the ban that was up and coming. However, I was fortunate enough to be able to relieve myself from the habit thanks to the late Allen Carr. For those of you who dont know who he is - google him - and you will find that he is the greatest quitting smoking guru that has ever graced our planet. I personally cannot thank the man enough for his work because it is through his efforts that both I personally and two of my closest relatives have managed to succeed in their quest to quit smoking. Unfortunately, he had already passed from this life by the time I benefitted from his book so i didnt actually get the opportunity to thank him. May God have mercy on his soul.

I would just like to urge all the readers to try and obtain a copy of his book - the easy way to quit smoking for any relatives or friends of yours who you know that still smoke - the success rate of people stopping after reading his books is phenomenal - and think - if you are the one to pass the book on to someone who reads it and quits - how grateful will that person be to you for the rest of their lives? You can add years to their lives, save them heaps of money, keep them looking younger and most importantly - you dont have to put up with that foul smell!

I leave you all with the humble request to spread the word of Allen Carr's easyway to those who dont already know of it.

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