Monday 25 June 2007

enjoy what you have


You will be pleased to hear I got tomorrow off work!!! Ok even if you lot arent - i am!! I swear there aint enough annual leave on offer - still - could be worse - could be in America - i have heard you get even less annual leave across the pond than you do here! I suppose the trick is to become self employed and enjoy the good life although self employed people will tell you that aitn fun either. Perhaps there is no right answer - anyway - I cant help but feel i am getting side tracked here!

My thoughts for the day about enjoying what you got - so so important for so many reasons - I am going to touch on the two main ones.

One - In this transient world - the good stuff comes and goes so quick that if you dont stop to appreciate it - it wont actually be there anymore to appreciate it - like my day off tomorrow - if i dare to blink - its going to be wednesday morning and i will be getting ready for work again!

Two - To not enjoy the good stuff is just damn ungrateful - theres so many people who aint even got the internet to be reading this - and the fact you have makes you better off than 97.4564% of the population of the world we live in (at the time of writing). Now being ungrateful creates its own set of problems which i have neither the time nor the energy to delve into right now ( some would argue i dont know what they are) - but lets not talk about that right now!

I tell you what though - when you do appreciate what you have - you are a more happier human being than even the richest people in the world - because they are too busy not even sure what they are chasing.

i read an awesome quote recently - everyone thinks that they know what they want - but only the wisest stop to enjoy it once they have got whatever it is they wanted - the rest are too busy finding something else to stress about - what a sad state of affairs.

Dont think I am advocating complacency and lack of ambition - I hate a waste of potential as much as anyone - but competitiveness and the will to win should not override our enjoyment of our victories because we are not in the world long enough to spend the whole time too busy to participate in complete harmony and enjoyment of the gratefulness of what we have been given!

Anyways readers I am off to enjoy the end of work and blog duties.

Hopefully speak to y'all tomorrow.

Peace out.

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