Thursday 21 June 2007

"Staff Night Out"

Dear Readers,

Its that time of the day again where I unload - no no i aint taking a dump - im talking about the metaphorical meaning - unburden myself by sharing my interpretation of todays 'staff night out'.

As a reward for doing so well last month - we were to be rewarded by going out as a company on a massive pub crawl. Being hesitant to attend made me feel like an outsider and it became a lot easier agreeing to attend for a 'quick one' to be agreeable. instead i ended up taking a train from aldgate to farringdon - standing outside a pub for 20 minutes because we were waiting for somebody to go home and meet us there before starting the pub crawl - being a non-drinker and hanging out with a bunch of people getting excited by how drunk they might get tonight - i had enough and called it a night - what an incredible waste of money and time!!!!

lesson? dont be agreeable when its just stupid - i think being taken in by peer pressure is the most dangerous thing in the world - in fact its probably the wrongest thing in the world - too many people dont think for themselves- they go with the crowd - stop and think - you go to sports shops and see a super thin t-shirt being priced up at £25 because it has a 'nike' tick on it - 99 out of 100 people who stopped to use their own powers of logic wouldnt go near it with a bargepole - yet these t-shirts must be selling because you dont see the price ever going down - in fact it only goes up!

now fortunately today i only lost a few pounds going in and out of the tube and an hour odd of my time before summing up the courage to escape the dreaded peer pressure. Beware or you might not get off so lightly!

Now I know that this has started out and become an arguable unecessarily extended rant - but there is a huge lesson to be learnt -

tune in tomorrow to learn what that is.

i am kidding - couldnt do that to you good people!

The lesson is that Make a concious effort to know what your own values are, where they have come from and why they are what they are and this will stand you in excellent stead to combat peer pressure which could have potentially otherwise made you sick at the thought of your actions for many years after the event.

Don't get me wrong - i am not advocating living in the past - in fact you are reading this - i suggest you go back and read (or re-read earlier posts) where i explicitly stated let the past stay just there! ok anyway, i am getting to the stage where i dont know if i am preaching for your benefit or for my own and so i will let us take our customary 24 hour recess.

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