Friday 31 August 2007

Car Crash!!!!


Post title get your attention? Well try daydreaming and crashing back to earth in the midst of the realisation the vehicle you are passively relaxing in on the backseat has just started playing bumper cars with the chap driving the car in front.

ok ok i admit it was nothing like that at all but I can now say that I have experienced my first car crash - and i was the passive passenger on the backseat. That aside - it was a fair bit different. A nutty driver pulled out onto the road in a junction in front of the car i was in and so my bro - the driver - changed lanes to try to allow the chap to go into his lane without bumping into him. Sounds all good yeh? Like - no problem - but no - there was one because the madman changed into my bros lane (the one he kindly moved into in the first place) - so my bro brakes hard and gives the madmans car a pat on the back who then went on his way - and fast - seems he didnt fancy stickin around to inspect the damage together and get the insurance companies involved.

Thank God - the damage on the car was very minor compared to what it could have been - and of course all the passengers and driver included were all alright.
So as far as car crashes go - it was perfect... no injuries and minimum damage to the vehicle i was in.

Please dont get me wrong - i am in no way, shape or form saying i wanna do that again in a hurry - exciting as it was - i cannot dispute that part - its too much of an expensive and arguable dangerous way of having fun -although no-one was hurt on this occasion. Cats may have nine lives - I only fluked one!!

Anyway, on a positive note - which is what this site initially promised to deliver - it provided a days woth of material for my blog.


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