Saturday 22 August 2009

nightly ablution


First of all i would like to confess that one of the habits i chose for myself has kind of been left aside for two weeks. The habit in question is unfortunately the habit of reading and the reason this has happened is that i was finding large parts of the book i was reading very boring and was forcing myself to read.
In addition to this, i have been reading stuff online... but i know i need to re-ignite this habit at some stage soon - ideally by picking up something i will actually enjoy reading as well as benefit from educationally.

As many of you will also know, ramadan is starting either today or tomorrow subject to the sighting of the moon. Therefore it is a month of great opportunity to have our sins wiped out and replaced with good deeds and our bad habits to be replaced with good habits.

I dont believe i am capable of reforming my whole character through ramadan which is why i have opted for the one small change every 10 days.

In line with this new ideology, the next habit i will incorporate is the habit of performing the ablution before sleeping every night for the next 10 nights.
The benefit of going to sleep in ablution is that God rewards the person who does this as though he has stayed awake the whole night worshipping Allah.

I will be back in 10 days to add a new habit

by the way, the challenge of adding quality rather than merely routine to the habit of praying has been reasonably successful - but i think its really important to add complete isolation to the equation... praying with a closed door and not being able to see things from the corner of your eyes like your laptop or mobile phone would make a massive diffeence.

i need to look into this in more detail. The important thing is recognising the problems and slowly working towards solutions which will last a lifetime insha allah rather than try to do every life change in one day and fall flat on your face within a few days and then bein unable to make any changes at all.

That is all for today


1 comment:

Allah's-servant92 said...

perfect! help me please i want to get closer to Allah too!