Sunday, 21 June 2009



Another 10 days have passed by seamlessly quickly and it is time to incorporate a new habit into my life.

What i have come to find is that i have added around 4 habits which i have not published in the last two weeks or so and for fear of them fading out and disrupting the whole progress made thus far - i will formalise them even though they are not necessarily starting from the moment they are published on this site.

The next habit i am formalising is the habit to collect my vests and socks every day and wash them together on friday to ensure that they do not go missing, are always clean and in plentiful supply.

The last habit I incorporated was a 'religious habit'.
This one i would classify as a 'hygeine based habit'.
The next one in 10 days will be a 'health/diet based habit'.
I have already incorporated a habit to spend 15 mins every day reading and not sure if i can commit to any further 'education' based habits which will not burden me beyond what i can do without breaking down and may wait a few months before adding something to that front.

As for random miscellaneous habits - they will be added as and when a need arises for them at no pre set regular intervals...

That is all for today


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