Saturday, 21 June 2008

change of heart

Hello people,

a long time ago i posted a youtube video of miss south carolina making a fool of herself at a beauty pageant and since then i recently came across a video in which she redeems herself.

In the interests of justice, i feel it right to revoke my harsh comments (which in my defence were only made for a few cheap laughs) - and also share the video of her doing herself proud.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hows it going the moose, it biscuit.
found ur blogger link on my comp and just bin catchin up. good to here the words of the moose man again, even if not directly. not sure bout that last one thou mate but oh my god that girl can talk . . .

"yeah its LIKE im not in my ACTUAL body"

funnier than the original!

talk to you soon


peace out dude!