Saturday, 30 June 2007

A Tribute to Allen Carr

Dear Readers,

We are approximately 11 and a half hours away from moving into the 'smoke free' era in the UK and I am sure there are a lot of anxious smokers out there who are not best pleased about the situation to put it mildly!

Little over two months ago, I too was one of the smokers frustrated and depressed by the thought of the ban that was up and coming. However, I was fortunate enough to be able to relieve myself from the habit thanks to the late Allen Carr. For those of you who dont know who he is - google him - and you will find that he is the greatest quitting smoking guru that has ever graced our planet. I personally cannot thank the man enough for his work because it is through his efforts that both I personally and two of my closest relatives have managed to succeed in their quest to quit smoking. Unfortunately, he had already passed from this life by the time I benefitted from his book so i didnt actually get the opportunity to thank him. May God have mercy on his soul.

I would just like to urge all the readers to try and obtain a copy of his book - the easy way to quit smoking for any relatives or friends of yours who you know that still smoke - the success rate of people stopping after reading his books is phenomenal - and think - if you are the one to pass the book on to someone who reads it and quits - how grateful will that person be to you for the rest of their lives? You can add years to their lives, save them heaps of money, keep them looking younger and most importantly - you dont have to put up with that foul smell!

I leave you all with the humble request to spread the word of Allen Carr's easyway to those who dont already know of it.

Friday, 29 June 2007

Can Money Buy Happiness?

Dear Readers,

Its Friday at last! I am guessing you all know what that means? Weekend! Come on!! Two whole days of pure bliss!!! Its the little things in life that make the big difference - the joy of a weekend for instance.

You see for a long time in my life - I thought the source of all happiness was money and the source of all unhapiness was lack of money. Is this true? Can money buy happiness? Well it depends on your definition and comprehension of 'happiness' and the personality of the people in question. Such a question can never be satisfactorily answered in a word.

My understanding is that true happiness doesnt lie in what you have, but what you recognise that you have. One of the great leaders in my religion said that if a man had a garden full of gold, and his next door neighbour had one too, he wouldnt be happy unless he had his neighbours garden too. The point is that if happiness is measured by monetary wealth, you can never reach a stage of serenity because you will forever be chasing more money - and God knows you cant take it to the grave when you die so why base your emotions on something so limited.

If I had to answer in a word - then it would have to be no. True happiness is found in people who have learnt to be grateful for what they have rather than too busy and ungrateful chasing after the riches of the world. I have worked in retail and I have seen happier people working as supervisors for supermarkets earning a pittance, working ridiculously hard but yet happier than millionaires who run companies who cant sleep at night because of tension of trying to make more more more more money.

The realisation that money is a lot but not everything was probably one of the greatest realisation i have made in my short life - but the realisation can release so much energy - it can bring about the feeling of serenity which people chasing all the money in the world will never get.

My leaving words for the day are a question -

do you really believe money can buy you happiness - and if you know it cant - why do you still let it rule over your will to achieve serenity and happiness?

Thursday, 28 June 2007


Dear Readers,

Another day worked, another day closer to the weekend - just the one day left now! I cant describe how good that is in words!

I recently bought a copy of a book called Why People Dont Buy Things and thankfully it finally arrived in the mail this morning. Working in the sales industry, I am hoping it will give me an edge.

What I have found in recent times that reading at least one chapter of a non fictional book every day is an excellent habit to form. You increase your knowledge, concentration, command of the English language and most importantly - you are building a good habit.

I recently read a book called 'The Greatest Saleman in the World' by Og Mandino - which was a tremendous read which I wholeheartedly recommend to all the readers of this blog (all one of you!) - and it is from this book that I learnt the power and importance of reading.

In future - I think I will review books on this site - because already I am begining to realise I cannot produce fresh material every day on how to keep positive without plagiarising! Thus I can slow down the amount I post on here - or I can fill the space with other random stuff like book reviews! Finding writing something about anything on my blog on a daily basis therapeutic means I am gonna do just that!!

Right now - I have to go - but to summise the days thoughts - read non-fiction as much as possible to broaden your horizons. No pressure!

I hope I find the time and energy to write more tomorrow.

Wednesday, 27 June 2007


Dear Readers,

Another day closer to that glorious period of every week more commonly known as the weekend and I for one cannot wait! No - i dont have any special plans for the weekend but thats what makes the weekend so special - my plans arent already made for me - unlike every working day where the plan to wake up ridiculously early and follow the whole sordid routine to its conclusion!

Anyway, my thought for the day is to do with faith. I consider myself lucky because I believe in God and more importantly I have faith in God's love for me. The thought of trying to negotiate my way through this life without these two beliefs would be impossible for me. Think about it - if there is no God - the alternative is pretty useless - it means that I am the product of an accident and my existence carries no significance at all. If there is a God but he doesnt love me - why have I been showered with so many blessings such as sight, hearing, the sense of smell, the ability to speak, love, acquire knowledge and most importantly think???

I reckon that almost everyone has these two beliefs within them but just dont concentrate on them enough to learn the ease with which a worry free life can be led. Think about it - once these two simple concepts are accepted - then what cannot be overcome??? The fact that you were fashioned by the maker of all things and the fact that he loves you should make you feel invincible!! I mean God has power over everything and loves you - so he is going to look after you! Now i am guessing theres a few cynics who are going to argue over the two points.......

does God even exist? Look at the world - the capability of the human being, the animal kingdom, the planets, the mountains, the reproduction system and you reckon it all happened without a superior intelligence fashioning all this???? Look at three of the biggest religions in the world - Islam, Christianity and Judaism and they all recognise Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah and several other prophets who came to spread the word about God's religion. Are all the believers of these religions fools to believe in these men??? Some people will tell you religion is a way that past rulers made people do what they wanted - usually such people are still okay admitting that they do believe in a God ironically!!!

Does God love us? What about all the natural disasters and people being born disabled etc etc??? The second argument people often throw up! My personal belief is that this world is a place of trial - there is no reward or punishment here - we are tested here and rewarded or punished in the life here-after. But to answer in a simpler manner, the very fact that we have been created and given the chance to know that we exist is love in itself!! Blind people, deaf people, etc - they are lucky still that God decided to bring them into existence for without them being created - they wouldnt even have the blessings they have - so why count the blessings God chose to withold? Also if there wasnt blindness, deafness etc - how would those who have these phenomenal blessings appreciate what it is they have been blessed with?

I dont know if you are convinced - if you didnt believe in God before reading this or didnt believe God loves you before reading this - then you probably still wont believe it because generally such people are quite stubborn in their views.

However, if you agree with the statements - recite the two facts to yourself as much as possible:

"I believe in God and my God loves me" - this simple notion can protect you from worry because it brings about peace and tranquility to ones heart and soul and when you feel at ease in your heart and soul - worry can not infiltrate you - you are in safe haven!

Thats all I have to say for today. God willing, I will be back tomorrow.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

'New Years Resolutions'

Dear Readers,

Today was the day off I briefly mentioned yesterday - as expected and like all good things - its hasnt lasted! Its already 6-30 pm UK time so if I was working, I would be close to home now anyway. Never mind, i had the pleasure of not being at work so who cares if I would be home now because I have not been at work all day which i otherwise would have been!!

Anyway, my thought for the day is to do with new years resolutions. I have in the past been a fan of new years resolutions - before there is any mass confusion - no they dont work but the idea of repairing yourself is quite pleasing.

Giving the concept some extra thought today made me realise the idea of self repair is sound but the idea of waiting for the begining of a year to implement it is ridiculous. Who knows if you and I will even be alive on January 1st next year to implement all the wonderful things we would so dearly love to put into action? Also in light of the fact that so many resolutions fail - why not try, try and try again from NOW so that by the time the new year actually comes - it might produce the final springboard to making your resolutions a reality rather than pinning all your hopes on the fact it is a new year.

I say make a new days resolution becaus every day is a new begining - you cant turn the change the past - but you can make TODAY whatever you want it to be. Wanna give up smoking? I didnt see the people who decided on the July 1st smoking ban wait till 'the new year'!! Wanna get educated?? I dont see GCSE, A Level, NVQ or any other formal education courses starting in the new year - in fact they all start nearer the end of the year- septemberish!!

Open your eyes people - every day can be a new year - and you can make all the resolutions you want and try your best to make them happen now! Stop waiting for things to happen and instead start making it happen yourself!!! Also stop being so afraid of failure because you can always try again tomorrow!! Tell yourself out loud that every day that it is a new begining and it can be whatever you want to make it and forget the nonsense you hear that 'talking to yourself is the first sign of madness'! Only crazy people tell you that or the selfish people who dont want the rest of the world to enjoy the wisdom of talking to oneself.

To summise - Recite your new days resolutions to yourself as much as possible because it is the cheapest and safest therapy on the market.

Hopefully be back tomorrow.....

Monday, 25 June 2007

enjoy what you have


You will be pleased to hear I got tomorrow off work!!! Ok even if you lot arent - i am!! I swear there aint enough annual leave on offer - still - could be worse - could be in America - i have heard you get even less annual leave across the pond than you do here! I suppose the trick is to become self employed and enjoy the good life although self employed people will tell you that aitn fun either. Perhaps there is no right answer - anyway - I cant help but feel i am getting side tracked here!

My thoughts for the day about enjoying what you got - so so important for so many reasons - I am going to touch on the two main ones.

One - In this transient world - the good stuff comes and goes so quick that if you dont stop to appreciate it - it wont actually be there anymore to appreciate it - like my day off tomorrow - if i dare to blink - its going to be wednesday morning and i will be getting ready for work again!

Two - To not enjoy the good stuff is just damn ungrateful - theres so many people who aint even got the internet to be reading this - and the fact you have makes you better off than 97.4564% of the population of the world we live in (at the time of writing). Now being ungrateful creates its own set of problems which i have neither the time nor the energy to delve into right now ( some would argue i dont know what they are) - but lets not talk about that right now!

I tell you what though - when you do appreciate what you have - you are a more happier human being than even the richest people in the world - because they are too busy not even sure what they are chasing.

i read an awesome quote recently - everyone thinks that they know what they want - but only the wisest stop to enjoy it once they have got whatever it is they wanted - the rest are too busy finding something else to stress about - what a sad state of affairs.

Dont think I am advocating complacency and lack of ambition - I hate a waste of potential as much as anyone - but competitiveness and the will to win should not override our enjoyment of our victories because we are not in the world long enough to spend the whole time too busy to participate in complete harmony and enjoyment of the gratefulness of what we have been given!

Anyways readers I am off to enjoy the end of work and blog duties.

Hopefully speak to y'all tomorrow.

Peace out.

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Unburden Yourselves

Dear Readers,

I attended the wedding of a close relative yesterday and was away from my beloved internet for the best part of 48 hours and thats why I havent been able to share my thoughts. I hope that too many of you havent been logging on to this site every 5 minutes wondering why i havent posted something new because - lets face it and i am gonna be candid about this - that would be pure sad! still i am sure those of you who did are smart enough not to admit it.

My random thought for the weekend is about carrying the burden of all your worries by yourself. Now i know that to say a problem shared is a problem halved is cliched and people dont like cliches - so i am going to talk about burdens from a slightly different perspective. If you can share it with someone - do so! No matter how ashamed you are or concious of appearing self absorbed - sharing a problem will help yourself identify precisely what the problems are and every now and again - believe this or not - but people who have just experienced the problem for the first time can provide some very useful incites on how to solve the problem!

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a confidante with whom they can share their worries - write yourself an email at the end of every day expressing what it is you are worried about exactly and when you read over what you have written - you will find immediate solace in the fact that you have identified the core issues and now that you know precisely what they are - you can focus your attentions on the solutions to these problems.

I think to summise the point I will state the essence of this point in a single line:

the biggest burden that most human beings carry is the inability to precisely identify the root causes of their worries.

Stop - think! If you could identify precisely what it is you are worried about at the end of every day before you sleep - how easier would it be finding solutions to these precise problems rather than solutions for vague worries? If the answer to this question is something you are finding heart warming, you can live a life a lot less burden free than you have known before. Share your problems! If you aint got anyone - drop me a line at if you want - or even write yourself an email- you would be amazed at how therapeutic it can prove!

I got to crash because I got work tomorrow, but I should be back tomorrow.

Breathe deeply and remember an identified problem is a lot more solvable than a vague worry!

Friday, 22 June 2007



For a very long time, I considered sleeping a grand old waste of time because lets face it - time spent sleeping could be spent surfing the net, watching telly or out with friends!

But apparently its not - more careful consideration and you realise that sleeping is fantastic because you can well and truly let all the demons that haunt you during your awake hours to rest. Not only that right - but nature demands sleep! Think of the insomniacs in our world. Ask yourselves what would they give to be able to sleep the way normal - no not normal for what is "normal"? - rather for the way most people can sleep. The answer is probably a lot more than us normal people can imagine.

Sleeping is a gift from nature which is probably one of the most under appreciated of them all. I mean imagine a world without needing to sleep - it would be torment! You would be thinking conciously all day every day! If you are a worrier - you would be worrying all day every day!

Before sleeping tonight dear readers, remember how much of a gift sleeping is and you will sleep better and wake up feeling more invigorated and ready to battle the world again tomorrow.

And if you have the misfortune of having anightmare, thank the Lord when you awaken because it was not real and of course for the fact he has given you the chance to live to fight another day.

On a lighter note - its Friday so if you cant sleep peacefully knowing the weekend is upon us - then nothing i can say will really help i suppose.

Sweet dreams guys - hopefully i will find the time and material to fill tomorrows space......

Thursday, 21 June 2007

"Staff Night Out"

Dear Readers,

Its that time of the day again where I unload - no no i aint taking a dump - im talking about the metaphorical meaning - unburden myself by sharing my interpretation of todays 'staff night out'.

As a reward for doing so well last month - we were to be rewarded by going out as a company on a massive pub crawl. Being hesitant to attend made me feel like an outsider and it became a lot easier agreeing to attend for a 'quick one' to be agreeable. instead i ended up taking a train from aldgate to farringdon - standing outside a pub for 20 minutes because we were waiting for somebody to go home and meet us there before starting the pub crawl - being a non-drinker and hanging out with a bunch of people getting excited by how drunk they might get tonight - i had enough and called it a night - what an incredible waste of money and time!!!!

lesson? dont be agreeable when its just stupid - i think being taken in by peer pressure is the most dangerous thing in the world - in fact its probably the wrongest thing in the world - too many people dont think for themselves- they go with the crowd - stop and think - you go to sports shops and see a super thin t-shirt being priced up at £25 because it has a 'nike' tick on it - 99 out of 100 people who stopped to use their own powers of logic wouldnt go near it with a bargepole - yet these t-shirts must be selling because you dont see the price ever going down - in fact it only goes up!

now fortunately today i only lost a few pounds going in and out of the tube and an hour odd of my time before summing up the courage to escape the dreaded peer pressure. Beware or you might not get off so lightly!

Now I know that this has started out and become an arguable unecessarily extended rant - but there is a huge lesson to be learnt -

tune in tomorrow to learn what that is.

i am kidding - couldnt do that to you good people!

The lesson is that Make a concious effort to know what your own values are, where they have come from and why they are what they are and this will stand you in excellent stead to combat peer pressure which could have potentially otherwise made you sick at the thought of your actions for many years after the event.

Don't get me wrong - i am not advocating living in the past - in fact you are reading this - i suggest you go back and read (or re-read earlier posts) where i explicitly stated let the past stay just there! ok anyway, i am getting to the stage where i dont know if i am preaching for your benefit or for my own and so i will let us take our customary 24 hour recess.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007


Dear Readers, (or by this point should i be calling you fans?)

Another day passes, another driving lesson with my dad (dont judge - they are free!) - and another day closer to my driving test. Fun times ahead for some of us i tell ya.

Driving - i think it is easy - as does everyone - God knows we got millions of drivers all over the world! but passing a driving test in the UK? well thats a completely different kettle of fish - i seen many a good driver flunk those before - i mean where else in the world do you regularly hear about people taking it four or five times - you dont!

dont get me wrong people - i think i can learn to drive like a robot for 35 mins - but its kinda stoopid having to because no-one drives anywhere remotely as cautiously as they do in driving school - if they did could you imagine the state of the world? we would have a bunch of people who turn into zombies upon operating the complex machinery known as a car! interesting isnt it? well i think so anyway - quite clearly i do or i wouldnt have bothered ranting about it.

anyway - my light hearted advice which equates to the 'random positivity' for the day is to do with imitation. I have heard two views on imitation which initially appear far apart. one is that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and the other is that imitation is suicide. However, upon deeper thought - flattery is a bad thing so be it sincere or otherwise - it is undesirable.

There is a fine line between being inspired by somebody and aspiring to be that somebody - make sure you err on the side of caution - ie dont try to be something you aint cos its a losing battle and potentially the cause of mental torment.

so to summise in a line - know who you are; be who you are; like you who you are and the world will be yours.

ok i think that just about wraps up my thoughts for the day. If you folks have had half as much fun reading as i have writing, then we are in this together for the long haul!

Tuesday, 19 June 2007


Dear Readers,

Today i finally discovered what bliss means and i can tell you all for free it aint being in a total state of intoxication! no - bliss is the feeling attained when you decide to let the past remain just that in your heart and soul rather than dwell on it and also to not worry about things that may or may not occur in the future.

thus my new motto is live for the day!

now before i get a whole lot of abuse from people who reckon you gotta prepare for tomorrow cos it will come - i agree!! i am not saying quit your jobs and spend your money away, hell naww!!

all i am saying is dont get so bogged down with whats already happened that cant be changed and what might or might not happen in the future.

i been readin this book by Dale Carnegie called 'How to stop worrying and start living' - wicked book as it goes and i would recommend it to everybody - unless you are a person who is particularly against 'motivational/action' books.

me personally as you probably gather am very pro such literature.

anyway, i am gonna call it a day - same time same place tomorrow people?

Monday, 18 June 2007

Dear Readers,

Creating an on-line diary like flex has been something i have been meaning to do for so long, so i finally pulled my finger out and sorted it tonight!

You are probably all wondering why you should read my blog instead of the 1000001 other ones out there - the answer is simple - i will pay you to!! im kidding - jeez why does the world have to revolve around money?

aah i hear you say - and theres the real reason you should - the philosophy, humour... and *me* factor combined make this the online place to be.

watch this space.

In the words of one of my favourite actors of all time - I'll be back!